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Amazingly Sneaky Ways For Busy Moms To Get Fit

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Being a Mom is totally worth it in the end, but it certainly doesn’t come without its challenges and sacrifices – one of them being your body. It’s amazing what our bodies can do during pregnancy yet it ceases to amaze me why it’s so hard to make the changes after you’ve given birth to your little angels.

As if motherhood isn’t challenging enough, you’re then expected to somehow bounce back so that you can chase around after your little human, something that’s not easy for a woman who’s had to sit with her feet up for months due to being the size of a house.

Being a good Mom takes priority over everything, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t care about the other things on your priority list either, such as getting fit again and being able to squeeze into your favorite pair of jeans – the ones you wore BEFORE you were pregnant.

All hope is not lost however ladies. There are ways way to sneak some exercise into your daily routine without drawing too much attention to yourself and if you follow these ways for busy moms to get fit, you’ll be sliding back into your wardrobe favorites in absolutely no time.

  1. Dance your way back into those pre-pregnancy jeans

Dancing is one of the best ways to burn calories and it’s something we do a lot without even realizing. You can get the kids involved with this one and they will absolutely love it. Get everyone up and ready for school a little earlier each day, then blast the stereo on and revitalize your entire family with a fun fitness blitz to start the day.

You’ll have more than a few giggles each morning doing this and your body will thank you for it later.

Image from Pexels

  1. Rather than kill time, kill a workout instead

Being a Mom means that you suddenly become almost qualified in so many things. You’re suddenly a storyteller, part time nurse, part time GP, counselor, best friend, maid, cook… the list goes on. One thing you’ll definitely be familiar with is being your kid’s 24 hour taxi. Whatever the time, wherever the location, you’re expected to cart them around to their long list of clubs and it’s all because you want what’s best for your babies.

You’re going to be waiting around in the car in between one activity and the next, so you may as well be proactive and do something about it. Have a fitness bag stashed into the boot of your car at all times so you can be prepared to exercise whenever time allows.

Pack a pair of running trainers, some fitness clothing, a skipping rope or resistance bands and you’ll be all set to work out whenever, wherever.

Image from Pexels

  1. Just because your baby naps, it doesn’t mean you have to

Yes, being a Mom is super exhausting and I’m not saying that you can’t ever nap, but try avoid doing it on a daily basis (unless you’re being kept up all night, every night that is). When you put your little one down to nap throughout the day, try mixing it up and letting them sleep in their stroller instead of their cot.

You’ll both appreciate the fresh air and whilst the extra exercise is great for you, it means that your little one will also have a great sleep as scientists believe the vibrations from moving around help babies fall asleep much quicker. Babies who are well rested in the day are also the ones who slept best at night, which means you’ll also get the best night’s sleep as a result.

  1. Do workouts at home

You don’t need to join the gym to get fit these days if you don’t want. Feeling confident in your bikini again can be as simple as buying a fitness DVD or following a fitness guide and seeing the results from the comfort of your own home. But make sure you choose a workout that’s well recommended as you don’t want to be wasting your time. For example, there’s a lot of hype on the internet about Kayla Itsines ‘Bikini Body Guide’ workouts, yet you should check out her bbg workout reviews as they tell a different story.

  1. Make everyone earn their treats

Most modern families these days think nothing of getting a takeaway once a week. We all lead hectic lifestyles and all sorts of junk food is available at just the click of a finger, so it really is practically impossible to resist…right?

If you find it too difficult to stop yourself (and the family) from having a pizza from the local Italian or a burger from the fast food place on the next block, then don’t beat yourself up about it too much.

Instead, take the opportunity to turn it around. Instead of watching TV whilst you’re waiting for your food to arrive, gather the family outside in the garden and get everyone’s blood flowing with some fun exercise games for kids. Now they might be made for kids, but I bet you love them too – your body certainly will!

Image via Pexels

  1. Ask your partner to help you out

If you’re the main stay at home parent then it’s only fair that you swap things up a bit every now and again. Whilst there are a lot of things that “only Mom can do,” there will certainly be tasks in the schedule that dad can take over whilst you escape the house for a run around the block or pilates session.

It’s a great way for you to get regular exercise but it also means that your partner can get some quality time with the kids too.

  1. Find a Mommy who’s also keen to get fit

If you find another Mom who’s looking to get fit, you can start up a schedule where you take it in turns to be in charge of childcare so that the other Mom can go work out. You won’t feel bad about “dumping the kids” on someone else then as it’ll be fair and square.

This is also fantastic because it means you can share fitness tips with each other and keep each other motivated when you feel like giving up.

Hopefully some of these simple ways for busy moms to get fit will hep you get back in shape in no time at all!

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