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Six Tire Buying Tips That Can Make All the Difference

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Six Tire Buying Tips

A car’s tires is often one of the most over-looked items when it comes to car care and regular car maintenance. It is also the most important. Having good tires on your car is not only a safety issue, it can also effect everything from comfort of ride to your car’s gas mileage. The experts at Newark Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge agree that shopping for a good set of tires should be at the top of your car care list.  Next time you are shopping for a new set of tires for your car, make sure you pay attention to the following 6 tire buying tips.

tire buying tips

Your Vehicle’s Condition Matters

Before buying a new set of tires, you need to know what shape your car is in. Check your current tires for signs like excessive tread wear, cracked sidewalls, discoloration or bulging. This could indicate an issue with your alignment or suspension. If you put a brand new set of tires on a misaligned car, or one with bad shocks, you are basically throwing money away. The new tires will simply wear down quickly and unevenly. 

Choosing the Right Tire

One of the most common mistakes made when buying tires is buying the wrong size and type. Replacement tires should always match what is noted in your owner’s manual or on the information placard on your car’s car door jamb, door post, glove compartment or trunk lid. Never just go by what is currently on your car. 

Check the Tires Age

Although you may be buying a brand new set of tires, always check the age. Tires naturally deteriorate over time, faster in hot climates. You can find out by looking for the tires ‘birth date” – a four-digit number following a letter sequence beginning with DOT. The numbers indicate the week and year the tire was manufactured. For example, 4816, means the 48th week of 2016. Avoid buying tires that are several years old.

Buy a full, matching set.

The high price of tires can often tempt you to cut corners such as just replacing the tires that are most worn. Don’t do this. First of all, today’s modern suspension technology is designed to work best with a matching set of tires. Additionally, by replacing all four tires at the same time, you’ll be able to maintain the tires better, evaluate and repair any suspension issues before they become major problems, and get the highest degree of safety.

Think twice about that warranty.

As with almost anything else you buy, tire manufacturers often tout their warranties, For tires, the mileage warranties are typically between 50,000 to 80,000 miles, depending on tire type. Before you buy based on that mileage warranty, make sure you read and understand all of the fine print. In many cases, if the tires wear out prematurely, you don’t just get a new set for free. Instead you get a prorated credit on the replacements. Additionally, you’ll likely be expected to prove that you cared for the tires properly by keeping them inflated to the right pressure, as well as aligned and rotated. They may even ask for your service records before warranties are honored. 

Tire Care

Although this is really a tip for after you buy tires, it is also one of the most important: how well you care for your new tires will play a huge role in how long they last. Make tire maintenance a part of your regular vehicle maintenance plan. Check for proper inflation on a regular basis to help improve your gas mileage and the tires’ lifespan. Also make sure you rotate them on a regular basis – most recommend every time you change your oil – even if no wear is showing.

Remember, a good set of tires means greater safety, better fuel economy, better handling and ride quality, and better negotiation of road conditions.

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