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How Airflow Impacts Your HVAC System

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HVAC systems are not inexpensive, and if you have to replace yours it can cost up in the thousands. However, knowing how to use them and maintain them properly will increase your unit’s efficiency and longevity, and save you a lot of money. One major factor that affects how useful or unuseful your HVAC system can be is the airflow.  If you want to know how airflow impacts your HVAC system, keep reading.

HVAC units

Common HVAC Problems Caused by Improper Airflow

Improper airflow to the HVAC system can cause many issues. Some of the most common HVAC problems include the following.

Improper Airflow Can Cause Uneven Cooling

The point of having HVAC is to regulate the temperature in your home for comfort. When you turn on the HVAC system, it should quickly and efficiently cool or heat the air inside your home. 

However, if there are problems with the airflow, you may notice uneven cooling or heating throughout your home. Some areas will feel colder than others, while others will feel hotter.

Maintaining the desired temperature

One way airflow impacts your HVAC is by helping the unit maintain the desired temperature. Every HVAC system has different calibrations which help determine how hot or cold the room will be. However, when there are problems with the airflow your unit will fail to maintain the temperature you’ve set. You may also notice that it takes more time for your home to reach the desired temperature.

Stagnant air causes an unusual odor

Another way airflow impacts your HVAC is through air circulation. Your HVAC system constantly circulates the air throughout your home. It also helps filter out allergens and keep a decent level of humidity. However, when something impacts the airflow to your HVAC, the air in your home may become stagnant.

This can cause musty and stale smells. You may also notice an increase in dust and other allergens. If you live in wet and humid climates, then the humidity in a room may increase. Mold can develop over time as well.

Improper airflow can increase costs

Yet another way airflow impacts your HVAC is financial. HVAC systems require a fair amount of energy to operate. If there are problems within the unit, then it makes sense that your energy costs will be impacted. 

For example, without the proper airflow, the unit’s compressor will not operate optimally. More energy will be required to move air throughout your home which means your power bill will also increase. Your unit will also take more time to balance the air quality in your home.

How Can You Improve Airflow to your HVAC?

Now that you see some of the ways that airflow impacts your HVAC unit, what can you do to prevent issues from happening?

First of all, many problems concerning the airflow to your HVAC are often the result of issues with the duct, vents, filters, or even the unit’s capacity. If you are familiar with how HVAC systems work, then take a look around to see what is causing the problem. However, if the procedure is too complicated for you, you can always hire a professional company.

When you call a professional, they will find out whether the airflow problem is internal or external. They will then see how they can improve the overall system.

There are also a few things you can do on a regular basis to help prevent airflow problems from occurring. First of all, you should inspect your unit on a regular basis. Clean out any dirt on the external parts such as the coils or fans. Make sure nothing is being stored up against the unit or is blocking the vents in your home. Finally, make sure you change the filter on a regular basis.


Now that you have a better idea of how airflow impacts your HVAC system, you can see why regular preventative maintenance is a must. If you do notice a problem with your HVAC system, hiring experienced personnel could help to solve the problem quickly.

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