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7 Tips to Help Busy Parents Save Time

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Last Updated on November 2, 2017 by Alaina

Being a parent is the busiest job you will ever have. So, it’s more than natural that you should want to look for new ways to save time and make life less hectic. Anything that frees up some time and means that you don’t have to rush around so much can only be a good thing.

  1. Make Sure Everyone is Doing Their Bit

When you have a whole family living in your home, you shouldn’t be doing all the work. Everyone who is old enough to take on the responsibility should have some tasks and chores to take care of. For example, your teenage children should at least be responsible for cleaning their room and doing one or two other tasks around the home. And you should definitely make sure that both parents do their fair share of the work. If this doesn’t happen, you’ll never find a spare moment.

  1. Clean As You Go

Are you one of those people who just lets the mess and filth build up over the course of the week and then tackle it at the weekend? It’s not a common tactic, but it’s not the best one either. It might seem sensible, but it just means that you have to take a big chunk of time out of your weekend to take care of the mess. And these kinds of messy situations tend to get more difficult to clean up if they’re left for a period of time. It’s much better to clean as you go. This will be a big relief at the weekend when you don’t have much cleaning to do.

help busy parents save time cleaningPhoto Source

  1. Prepare for the Following Morning the Night Before

As a parent, I’m sure you already know that the morning tends to be the most hectic and busy times of the day. Everyone is rushing around trying to get ready for work and school. And then you have to make sure that the kids have brushed their teeth and ate their breakfast. So, you should definitely think about preparing for the morning the evening before. Clothes can be put out, school bags can be packed and you can even get the cereal ready if you want to. It will save you a lot of time.

  1. Pay Bills as You Receive Them

Putting off paying the bills is something that we’ve all been guilty of at one time or another. But it can not only save you worry and hassle later on, but it can also save time. If you pay the bills as quickly as you possibly can, they are dealt with and out of the way. You won’t have to set aside some time at the end of the month in which you go through all the bills and pay them. It’s definitely something to keep in mind. It will also stop you from accidentally sliding into debt.

  1. Do Whatever You Can Online

The internet offers the chance to save lots of time these days. You should definitely make the most of this if you don’t already. For example, you can do your banking online these days. You should definitely do this because it means that you don’t have to take regular trips to the bank. You can even print off your own stamps from home as well. You don’t even have to go to the post office, which is often a headache. No one likes having to wait in a slow-moving queue just to buy stamps.

help busy parents save time workingPhoto Source

  1. Organize Birthdays, Anniversaries and Vital Dates in One Place

If you’re a forgetful kind of person, you should make sure that all the important dates throughout the year are jotted down in one place. This will help you to stay organised and prepared for everything that’s heading your way. There’s nothing worse than having to scrabble around at the last minute to find a present and birthday card because you’d forgot. You can take care of these things easily by having them organised in one place.

  1. Ringfence Your Relaxation Time

No matter how busy you get, you should alway have some time that you can spend relaxing or doing what you like. By organizing your days better and taking notice of the points made above, you will be able to free up some time. So, make sure this space is reserved for you and what you want to do. That’s what’s most important, so don’t replace lots of rushing around with even more rushing around and being busy.

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