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Last Updated on November 2, 2017 by Alaina
When it comes to our health and bodies, we can sometimes be a little negligent. We try not to but it happens. Daily life get’s in the way and we think things will go away. Or repair themselves. More often than not the medical things we ignore in our bodies are something of nothing. But there is always that chance that it can lead on to further problems and cause us more pain in the future. It’s always advisable to get checked out. Here are some of the most common warning signs people things ignore when it comes to their health.
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Female health
Our female body parts can be a little temperamental at the best of times. But we all know our bodies so we should equally know when something isn’t right. Heavier periods than normal and period cramps. Or symptoms, when we shouldn’t be experiencing them, are just some of the things we are likely to ignore. We may even miss those important, but no pleasant, nurse appointments where they check the health of the inside cells. All things we should keep on top of but don’t. Cervical cancer is on the rise. It’s not a nice subject to think about but it’s true. So any change to your menstrual cycle and any additional symptoms should always be checked out by a female doctor or gynocologist.
Back pain
Back pain can be an awful thing to endure. We don’t realise how much we use the muscles on our back until we do some damage. It can hurt a lot. Your spine and back are vital to your well-being. The longer something like this is left the worse it can become. Attending somewhere like Oakland Spine & Physical Therapy could be all it takes to get our backs in repair.
Problems when you visit the bathroom
Another thing people don’t like to discuss, is problems when they go to the bathroom. The addition of blood in urine or stools can be a sign of problems inside and need to be addressed. The number of cases of cancer in the bowels or bladder are increasing year on year. Sometimes things like this can be caught early and many people make a full recovery. So don’t ignore it.
The same goes for pains in your stomach when trying to go the bathroom. It’s not a pleasant thing to discuss with your doctor, but it could avoid further pain the future. You may have an intolerance to a particular food you didn’t know about.
Unusual lumps
For us females, it’s vital to check our breasts for any unusual lumps that may appear. Even a change in the way they look is worth a visit to get them checked out. Again, often is the case that things caught early can be resolved quickly and effectively. The same would apply to any other parts of your body. Just keep an eye on any changes. We know our bodies, so we should know when things aren’t right.
I hope this might encourage you to be more careful with your body in the future. Remember these common warning signs people ignore when it comes to their health, and if you notice any yourself, seek advice and get a quick resolve.