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A Nighttime Trip To Planet Nuff: For Anyone Who Ever Thought They Weren’t Good Enough

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Last Updated on January 17, 2022 by Alaina

A Wonderful New Children’s Book with a Valuable Lesson!
2012 Holiday Gift Guide Selection
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You can never go wrong with giving a book as a gift!  Especially if that book is being given to a child.  What better way to teach important life lessons than through a wonderfully entertaining story complete with intriguing, colorful pictures?  What could be more special than reading a book together with your child, spending a few peaceful, yet important, minutes of your hectic day together?

I was given the opportunity to review a wonderful new book called A Nightttime Trip to Planet Nuf.

Written by Mayra Poratta and Crystal Pirri, with illustrations by Kaleb Rice, A Nighttime Trip to Planet Nuf is a fun, but meaningful story about a little boy who believed he just wasn’t good enough.  It seems to Kyle that everyone else is either smarter, more clever, talented or luckier than he, and the more he sees, the sadder he becomes.

“I’m just not up to snuff!”…
“Everyone is better than me. I’m just not good enough.”
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Eventually he asks himself two questions: “what am I good at, and what do I enjoy?”, and starts to see things in a different light.

“He started paying attention
to how others struggled too.
It wasn’t just Kyle who was sad,
and this was a big ‘phew!’ “

Then, late one night, deep in sleep, Kyle visits a far away planet where he meets the NUF’s.   Through these strange little creatures Kyle is reminded of and taught some important truths that causes his whole perspective to change.  He learns to be grateful for what he has and not regret what he lacks.

He learns that it’s not about being great at everything, it’s about how you live, and that being himself is enough, all he needs is to believe in himself.  He is more than a NUF, just as he is!

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“A NUF is when your heart is filled with gratitude.
Being “enough” is so much fun!
It’s not about having this or that.
It’s an attitude!”

Based on characters founded and created by Cal King, the NUF’s are cute little creatures from a far away planet with an important message to share with children. The storyline and characters are interesting and easy for a child to relate to, and the rhyming text provides a captivating rhythm which encourages active listening and makes learning the lessons more interesting and meaningful.

Bright and colorful illustrations are guaranteed to capture a child’s attention and imagination!   Whether you are reading it to your child, or your child is reading it alone, A Nighttime Trip to Planet Nuf is sure to become a favorite! Although written for children, the messages in this book reach to adults as well!

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Recently published in 2012 by Sunnyday Publishing, LLC. , you can purchase A Nightttime Trip to Planet Nuf through the Nuf website and through Amazon.  I would definitely recommend this book to parents everywhere and know it would make a perfect gift for this Holiday season!

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Melissa Tiffany

Friday 2nd of November 2012

This is great! I have an amazing daughter that just will NOT see how awesome she is. I am going to check this out on Amazon!ThanksTiffany

Allyson Bossie

Thursday 1st of November 2012

This looks like a great book for my kids. I'm off to check this out!

Sasha Cory

Thursday 1st of November 2012

What a cute book! I can't wait to check this out!


Thursday 1st of November 2012

This book is super cute!

Kat Hoar

Wednesday 31st of October 2012

The artwork looks amazing. I am sure that it will be a big hit with the younger crowd.

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