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How Not Flossing is Harmful to Your Oral Health

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Some people floss effortlessly, others find it a real challenge to get the floss between their teeth and slide it up and out. For many people, there seems little gain in flossing every day. However, the truth is that flossing does approximately 40% of the work in your mouth, removing sticky bacteria and plaque.

dentist due to not flossing

Naturally, seeing a reputable dentist, like this dentist Narre Warren, will help you to maintain good oral health. Brushing daily also helps, as does avoiding snacking between meals and sugary treats.

But, if you’re not flossing you are harming your oral health, here’s why:

Plaque Removal

To floss correctly you wrap a piece of floss around your tooth in a ‘c’ shape. You can then gently move it up and down while holding the floss tight. This ensures it contacts all the surfaces of your tooth. You’ll need to repeat the process for each tooth in your mouth.

The floss is designed to remove the sticky plaque that attaches itself to your teeth, it can also dislodge debris that has been caught between your teeth.

Why This Is Important

Whenever you eat food the sugar in the food will react with the bacteria already living in your mouth. The side-effect of this is the production of an acid. It’s this acid that sticks to your teeth and starts to attack the enamel, causing cavities and decay.

Alongside this, the bacteria stick to your teeth and create a sticky film known as plaque. This plaque is what triggers the acid development process. But, it is also home to bacteria that will attack your teeth and gums.

Over time, the bacteria in plaque will damage the tooth structure, including the roots. This will weaken your tooth and make it more likely to fall out.

As plaque is sticky, brushing alone doesn’t remove all of it from your teeth, you need to floss as well to eliminate it.

Poor Overall Health

If you don’t floss, you won’t notice a difference instantly. The key to successful results from flossing is to do it consistently. Failing to floss leaves your teeth less protected, increasing the chances of cavities, tooth decay, and even tooth loss. That should be enough reason to start flossing today.

But, you should also know that poor oral health has been linked to overall health. Plaque on your teeth can enter the bloodstream. It will then collect inside blood vessels and lead to blockages, effectively increasing the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, strokes, and even heart attacks.

In addition, infections in your mouth can travel through your bloodstream and enter other parts of your body, including your brain, causing further infection.

The Simple Remedy

The best approach is to practice flossing and get your technique right. While most people floss when they go to bed, you should note that it doesn’t have to be done then. The key is to floss at least once a day and continue to do it regularly, the time of day you floss isn’t that important.

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