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How to Keep Your Dog Under Control at the Park

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Last Updated on September 13, 2023 by Alaina Bullock

Heading out to the dog park is a fantastic way to improve your pet’s social skills and learn more about their personality. Aside from giving them a more active lifestyle, taking your dog out to the park is a fantastic way to meet like-minded people while your dog roams freely. But do you how to keep your dog under control while at the park?

A Border Collie running through muddy water. Use these tips on how to keep your dog under control to prevent this from happening.

While dog parks are a great idea, they can also be a hazard if you don’t know how to keep your pet under control. Similarly, you could find that other owners turn a blind eye to their pet’s behaviors which could result in aggressive behavior. From dog bites to unwanted diseases or parasites, there are more dangers at the dog park than you may initially think. 

If you’ve recently adopted a dog and you’re thinking of taking them out for their first walk to the park, this is the article for you. In this blog, we’ll cover seven ways to keep your dog under control at the park so you can keep the peace and minimize the risk of any adverse health risks.

Teach Them The Basics

Before you head out to the dog park, we recommend that you try to train your pet with a few basic commands. Some of the most useful commands you should teach them include sit, stay, leave, and come. Using these commands can help ensure a safe trip to the dog park. Don’t forget to use a firm and calm tone when communicating with your dog.

Don’t Stay Too Long

Another thing to consider when learning how to keep your dog under control is the amount of time you are there. Although your dog may be happy spending hours on end at the local dog park, you don’t want to overstay as they could become overstimulated.

oo much stimulation could cause them to become easily irritated or impact their ability to listen to your requests. Therefore, we recommend that you spend anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes at the dog park each day.

Leave Toys at Home

It is recommended that you leave your dog’s toys at home, no matter how attached to them they may be. Taking personal items into a dog park is a recipe for disaster. Not only can they break or get lost, but they can also cause fights between other dogs in the park. If a fight does break out, make sure to contact Lamber Goodnow in case of injury.

Learn Their Body Language

All dogs will have similar yet unique ways to express their feelings. Since they cannot open communication with words, you need to keep a close eye on their body language and determine what kind of message their stance is expressing. For example, if you see your dog suddenly turn stiff, this could be a warning sign that they have their guard up. 

Know How to Intervene

Knowing when and, more importantly, how to intervene before attending the dog park is one of the best things you can do when learning how to keep your dog under control. As we previously mentioned, it’s a good idea to watch for warning signs and try to divert any aggressive behavior. However, if your dog does become involved in an incident, try to create some space between the two animals. Refrain from grabbing unknown dogs by their collar as you could get bitten in the process.

Work on Their Socialization Skills

Some dogs are simply born more social than others, however, many pups can learn to socialize from a young age. It’s especially important to consider the background of your pet before you place them in a potentially dangerous environment. For example, a rescue dog that has never socialized much with animals should not be thrown into that kind of setting without practice.

Call Them Over For Breaks

Make sure you call your dog over for some frequent breaks as all that running around can overstimulate and dehydrate them. Making sure they come back to their owner to touch base can help them learn their commands. Bring some treats to give positive reinforcement when they come quickly. This can help you avoid a nasty accident in the future as your dog will learn to come back on cue.

In Conclusion

Overall, it’s important to remain calm when in the presence of your dog. Your pet will most likely feed off of your energy, so remember to be dominant and firm in your commands. Training a dog will take some time, and it’s easier with some breeds than others, however, this should never discourage you from teaching them how to behave. On the contrary, remember to be patient and reward your pet for good behavior. After all, we believe that you can always teach an old dog new tricks.

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