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The Right Way To Play With a Dog

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Last Updated on November 2, 2017 by Alaina

Having a dog is a wonderful experience for the entire family. After all, who can resist a cute ball of fluff? But there are some clear ups and downs about owning a dog: While they are cute and loyal, they are also a lot of work. Dogs are full of energy and have a natural need to play. When they can’t play, you can expect bad things to happen, such as your favorite pair of shoes to be chewed or the couch cushions to be torn apart. Unfortunately, part of your role as a dog owner is to make sure that your beloved pet doesn’t get left on his or her own without any possible activity. That’s exactly why you should organize your dog’s play time in the best possible way. Here are a few tips for the right way to play with a dog.

Getting The Right Toys For Your Dog

Your dog needs toys; there is no denying it. Every dog likes to play, so you will find yourself rapidly overwhelmed by a vast choice of toys. Some are small and squeaky; others are big and round: There is, even more, choice than there are breeds! But if you want to keep your furry friend entertained, you might want to look for interactive toys for your dog as these will present a sensory and mental challenge. Indeed, interactive toys keep your dog focuses on unexpected features, such as unusual movements, unusual sounds, and unusual content. These features have been specifically studied to keep your dog’s attention. In short, they make sure that this is not a boring toy. And the more your dog plays, the more he or she maintains physical and mental activities at a high level.

Right Way To Play With a Dog Image via Flickr

Outdoors Exercise With Your Dog

As your dog is still young and agile, you should consider outdoor activities together, as this is one of the best ways to build a strong and healthy bond with your pet. Besides, if you love jogging, this will certainly keep you both fit and healthy! Running with your dog is a fun experience. However, you shouldn’t start the workout without a thorough health check for your furry friend, especially because running is a high-impact exercise. You need to check for joint problems, weight, and cardiovascular issues. If your dog is healthy, then all you need to do is to look for a dog-friendly route. Avoid hard surfaces such as streets and sidewalks that can be tough on your dog’s body. Choose grass and dirt paths instead. And always remember to bring some water for your dog and you!

Right Way To Play With a Dog walkingImage via Flickr

Training Your Dog

If you want to experience a dog-friendlier training, you could also sign up for a parkour workshop with your dog. Parkour obstacles are designed to test your dog’s agility with four feet on an object, sitting in an object, balancing, under and through objects, as well as moving obstacles and performing gap jumps. This can be demanding, but it’s a fun workout for you and your dog, that develops not only your bond but also his or her physical and mental abilities.

Right Way To Play With a Dog running aroundImage via Pixabay

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