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Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Car Battery

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Last Updated on June 4, 2022 by Alaina

The best time to replace your car’s battery is before you need to. But how do you know when that time has arrived? Usually, a car battery will die slowly and provide a bit of advanced warning.  Here are 5 common signs it’s time to replace your car battery.

Signs It's Time to Replace Your Car Battery

1. Engine Is Slow to Crank

One of the most common signs that it’s time to replace your car battery is a slow engine crank. It takes a lot of power to start your engine, and all of that power comes from your battery. Over time, the components inside the battery wear out and become less effective. When this happens, it takes the battery longer to create a charge for the starter. As a result, you have to wait a few extra seconds for the engine to turn over. In most cases, you’ll only have one slow start before your battery bites the dust so if you notice it, head straight to a mechanic to have your battery replaced.

If the engine will not crank, you’ll often hear a rapid clicking sound which is signaling that the available power is too low to crank the engine.

2. Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Car Battery – Dashboard Warning Light

When the check engine light comes on in your vehicle, it can mean one of several issues. However, in some vehicles, it may come on when the battery is running out of juice. Other cars may have a dashboard warning light, typically in the shape of a car battery, that comes on when the battery is not being reloaded properly or when it has an internal problem. However, this light could also indicate an issue with the alternator or another part of the vehicle’s electrical system.

Check your owner’s manual to find out what your particular vehicle’s warning lights mean. And if you notice it come on, you should have your battery and your vehicle’s electrical system inspected by a professional.

3. Dim Lights and/or Electrical Issues

In addition to powering the engine, your vehicle’s battery powers all of the various electronic components in your car from the lights to the power windows to the dashboard computer and more. If the battery is losing its charge, it’ll have a harder time running all of these things at full power. If any of these components start acting up, it may be a sign that it’s time to replace your car battery and you need to have it checked.

4. A Bad Smell

Another sign that it’s time to replace your battery is noticing a bad smell. Damage or an internal short can cause a car’s battery to leak. So if you notice a smell similar to rotten eggs when you open the hood, a leaky battery may be the cause. You need to get checked immediately and have it replaced if necessary.

5. A Misshapen or Swollen Battery Case

The climate where you live can do a number on the lifespan of your battery. Exposure to extreme heat and bitter cold can actually cause a battery case to swell and crack. So if your battery is anything but rectangular, it most likely is damaged and won’t last long.

In Conclusion

If you notice any of the above signs that it’s time to replace your car battery, it’s best to take your car to a mechanic or the dealership to have the battery tested and replaced if needed. Of course, the absolute best way to avoid having battery issues is to have the battery inspected on a regular basis.

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