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Smartphone Repair: Things You Need to Know

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Last Updated on June 3, 2022 by Alaina

So you need smartphone repair? Damaging your phone can quickly become a nightmare. But what should you know before getting the device fixed? This article is here to help you. 

cracked screen in need of smartphone repair

Can we be totally honest with you? Phones break easily. Any smartphone user knows this well. Accidents like dropping it or spilling water on it can cause damage that ruins both the look and proper functioning of your phone. In the worst-case scenarios, your phone might stop working altogether!

Even if you’ve been super careful with your phone, it can still malfunction at some point. In fact, a lot of problems occur simply because of aging. The motherboard can start failing, or the buttons can get stuck.

The good news is that you don’t have to get a new phone every time something bad happens to it. That’s right. You can just take your device for smartphone repair and get it fixed.

But before doing that, let’s take a look at a few important things you should know. 

Ready? Here we go.

How Much Will Smartphone Repair Cost?

The exact cost of smartphone repair depends mainly on two things: 

  1. The type of phone you have. Android and Apple phones can have very different prices for various fixes. Also, newer models are usually more expensive to repair. 
  2. What exactly needs repairing. The usual price for general smartphone repair shouldn’t go over $200. This includes things like replacing the buttons or the battery. 

Common Issues That Need Repair

Let’s look at some of the most common damage that can happen to your phone.

Cracks on Your Screen

Whether you keep it in a phone case or not, cracked screens are very common. You may have heard that with smaller screen damage, it’s okay to try to repair it yourself. However, to be safe and avoid further damage to the device, it’s much better to let a professional do the work.

There are basically three options for when it comes to getting the screen repaired or replaced. 

  • If your device is still covered by the warranty, the manufacturer can replace it quite cheaply.
  • If the warranty’s over, you could visit an authorized service center. The big plus of an authorized repair shop is that it’s trustworthy.
  • You could go to a third-party cell repair. This will be much cheaper than an authorized repair. 

Speaking of cheaper, I bet you’re wondering about the cost of smartphone repair. Well, it depends. Usually, you can’t get a broken screen fixed for anything less than $100. And the highest you’d have to pay for it is around $300. 

Spilled Water on Your Phone

This is where the degree of damage is the most important. Most service centers can give you a free diagnostic check. This enables them to give you an estimate of how much the work will cost. Just like with a cracked screen, the cost of the repair depends on the extent of the damage. It can be as little as $40 for a quick simple fix or well over $100 for more extensive repairs.

Loose Buttons

Luckily, loose buttons are one of the easiest smartphone repairs. Quality service providers, Wefixit & Weprintit for example, have experienced technicians who have done button repairs for years. And getting the buttons replaced by a trustworthy service provider will help you avoid extra problems in the future.

Warranties and Smartphone Repair

Contrary to popular belief, taking your phone to an unauthorized smartphone repair shop will not negate the device’s warranty. However, it should also be noted that the manufacturer will not cover damages that are caused by a third-party repair shop’s sloppy work.

So if you are needing smartphone repair, then the safest option would be to take your phone to a reputable repair shop. This way you can be sure that your warranty stays valid. 

Final Thoughts on Smartphone Repair

Many smartphone users have had to take their devices for repair at one point or another. Even if you can avoid accidental damage, the phone might still wear down over time. Therefore, it’s good to be prepared and to know what to expect when it comes to smartphone repair.

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