Last Updated on November 2, 2017 by Alaina Bullock
Best Car Care Tips
I can remember my father’s words the day I finally got my first car. He was full of wise, parental advice, but the one saying that really stuck with me was that if I take care of my car, it will take care of me. Over 20 years later I can still hear him saying that, and to this day I still follow his advice.
Regardless of whether your car is brand new or several years old how well you take of it directly impacts how long it may last. Keeping a regular maintenance schedule can also help you avoid costly repairs. Take a look at these general car care tips that can help you keep your car running for longer.
Car Maintenance
1. Be sure to change your oil at least every 3000 miles for regular, or 5000 miles for synthetic. Always make sure to use the manufacturer’s recommended grade of motor oil. Did you know by doing this, you can improve your car’s gas mileage by 1 to 2 percent?!
2. Check your antifreeze fluid every 30,000 miles: if you do not have it during the summer your car can overheat, likewise during the winter it can freeze.
3. Check your transmission fluid every 30,000 miles as well.
For the complete list of car care tips, check out the rest of my article on the Jeep Cheap blog!.