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COVID-19 and the Role of Social Distancing on Health

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Last Updated on August 30, 2023 by Alaina

While social distancing is one of the best ways to help lessen the spread of Covid-19, it’s not without its drawbacks. Let’s take a look at how social distancing impacts health.

woman wearing a mask and COVID-19 and the Role Social Distancing Plays on Our Health

COVID-19 has brought a great deal of uncertainty, discomfort, and devastating loss to the country and families throughout it. Consequently, in times like these, taking care of your health is of utmost importance. Not only your physical health but your mental health as well.

As isolation and social distancing continue to take place, a focus on the well-being of your psyche will become all the more necessary.

Following these simple suggestions for maintaining your physical health and mental health will help you to stay safe and sane as we try to get through this. Here are some of the ways in which social distancing impacts health.

Physical Health

As you may or may not already know, you should visit a doctor at least once a year. If you didn’t have your yearly physical before March welcomed the first wave of the virus, consider making a telemedicine appointment with your doctor to check in.

This is especially important if you notice your physical health failing and are concerned about your risk level when it comes to contracting the virus. It’s important you stay in touch with your doctor even if you can’t see them in person. Staying on top of your health is going to have to become more of a responsibility rather than something you do reluctantly.

Similarly, being conscious about your risk level and the risk of those you interact with is incredibly important. You have a responsibility for more than just yourself and your own health. We must be conscious of others.

Even if you have gotten the flu vaccine in years past, its effectiveness ranges between 60% and 90% for the common flu and though it may very well protect you in an average year from illness, you are no more immune to COVID-19 as a result of your typical flu shot.

For yourself and those around you, be aware that this virus is different and different precautions will be necessary as a result.

Mental Health

Social distancing can also have an impact on your mental health. While it is important to recognize the seriousness of the virus, it is not meant to scare you into seclusion. It is in our nature to be social. COVID-19 should not eliminate that aspect of our lives altogether.

What you need to be prepared for is a different kind of socialization going forward. Phone calls, video chats, and virtual ways of connecting are going to be all the more critical for the future of your relationships.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the states and COVID-19 has had quite an impact on those who struggle with anxiety. Not wanting to leave the house, becoming overcautious when you do leave the house, and not wanting to interact with others are just a few examples.

However, it’s important for your mental health to try and fight these urges to shut down from the outside world. While caution is important, becoming overly concerned will only result in damage to your health, just in a different way.

Social Distancing and Other Steps

You must remember to wear your mask, bring your sanitizer with you, and go out and do things — all while social distancing. Keep your distance from people, but allow some level of socialization into your life.

Whether you and your friends meet up in the park, sitting on separate blankets with plenty of space between you, or you have some family over to social distance in the backyard, it’s crucial you allow yourself some interaction with others.

We must take the necessary precautions to keep ourselves and those around us safe and healthy. However, taking care of yourself will mean finding a healthy balance between staying home and going out. Be sure to be aware of how your actions will affect you and those you come in contact with.

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