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This is s sponsored post for Regardless, all opinions are my own.

Today’s technology, especially the internet, provides many great opportunities for learning and play, but unfortunately, it also poses numerous dangers, particularly for children. One of the most popular uses of the internet is communicating through email, but with so much technology at the fingertips of our kids it can difficult to know who is communicating with your child. You even have to worry about protecting them from spam, viruses, vulgarity and all of the other possible dangers associated with email.

kidsemail1 is a safe email program designed specifically for children and families that enables parents to set up and monitor their children’s account so you can keep them safe while giving them their freedom at the same time. It is easy for both adults and children to use, and is full of security precautions that allows YOU the parent to control who can contact your kids, what they can see and even when they can email. Set up is easy, and in three quick steps, your child will have their very own email account! First, register an account, then create your children’s email accounts, and finally, decide which safety settings you’d like to be set for your kids. The entire process can be completed in a matter of minutes.


When creating your child’s email account, you will automatically be taken to the Safety Settings page for that child. There are several settings which gives you control over your child’s account so that you can rest assured that he or she is safe while using their email. These security settings allow you to set up whatever safety precautions you feel are necessary such as:

– the ability to manage their contacts so that you have the option to select who your child can both send and receive emails, and to have any messages that aren’t accepted placed in the mail queue for you to allow or reject before your child has access to them

  • – to choose whether or not to allow your child the ability to add, delete and edit members in their contact list
  • – the option to mail you a copy of all incoming messages that your child receives
  • – the option to mail you a copy of all outgoing messages that your child writes
  • – whether or not to allow your child to receive attachments including the ability to select which type of attachments are okay (videos, images, forwarded attached messages, audio files, etc). also allows the parent to remove images and/or links sent in emails, add a tagline letting the recipient know that the message has originated from a child, opt to have the program automatically filter out the most common bad words, and so much more. You also have the ability to block specific email addresses from the senders list, as well as access your child’s activity logs so you can see what your child has been doing.


One of my favorite features allows you to control when your kids are allowed to use the program. A time restriction page allows you to select which days of the week and hours they are allowed to use the program.

And if your children get in trouble, you can even “ground” them for a set amount of time or until a specific date, and the program will automatically disable itself after the time period ends. If your child tries to log on, a photo of a kid dressed in jailhouse stripes with a ball and chain pops up along with a message saying that they have been grounded and when their grounding will end.


With a fun and easy to use email interface, is perfect for children of any age. Kids have the ability to modify the look and feel of their account by choosing from several fun templates, and for younger children, there is even a drawing pad feature and a ‘read it’ function that can read e-mails to children.

There are also several different versions from which to choose based on your child’s age so that their email account can grow with them. For young children, choose Very Simple option which removes the Folders and Contacts menu items, the ability to move messages to folders, and the formatting buttons when writing a new email.

Then there is the Standard child account which will give your child an address and is the typical KidsEmail setup, and the one we are using.


The KidsEmail for Teens option with an e-mail of has an older look and feel that is perfect for older children. Parents still has the same Security Settings from which to choose as they do with younger children’s accounts.

The setting that allows you to choose between account versions can be switched at any time, and it is a great tool that allows your kids to keep their email address even through their pre-teen and teen years.

kidsemailscrshot10 can be used on iOS, Android and Web platforms. If you want to give it a try, sign up for a free 30 day trial period that comes with no strings attached! No credit card is required during the Trial Period, there is nothing to cancel and you will never be billed.

When the 30 days are over, if you like the program, you can continue your subscription and choose which pricing option works best for you. Prices are based on the length of your subscription and you can often get a great deal! The most current prices and deals can be found on their website under the FAQ section.

Thanks to, your children can now safely connect with family and friends, experience the trust and freedom of having their own email account, and learn about computers and technology all in a safe environment while you have peace of mind.

Sign up for your free trial today! And be sure to connect with on both Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates, tips to keep your kids safe online, and even contests for parents to win fun stuff!

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Amy Ditmore

Wednesday 5th of March 2014

I've never heard of this but it's definitely worth looking into! My kids have grandparents and uncles and cousins all over the US and this would be ideal for them to keep in contact!

Krystal @ Beauty Talk Spot

Wednesday 5th of March 2014

Seems like a good idea for younger ones who want an e-mail account


Tuesday 4th of March 2014

I've been hearing of this and wondering if it is truly safe. My 7 year old would really like to have his own email account.


Thursday 6th of March 2014

I have been using it for several months and so far so good!! I have also been reading others reviews and other articles and everything I have heard so far has been very positive. I have noticed that sometimes words get through the language filter that I would prefer not (none of the major curse words), but if you are very worried about it, just set it up so you can read the emails before your child does. I would recommend giving it a try for the free trial and see how you like it!

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