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Selling a House As Is for Cash: How to Do It

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Are you looking for a buyer because you are selling your house as-is for cash? Whether you are a property owner in financial challenges or want to get rid of your property quickly, you can sell homes as is and avoid the hassle of time and effort required when selling a house.

A woman posting a for sale sign in front of a home where the owner is selling a house as is for cash.

If you’ve been to Missouri, you have probably seen road signs that say We buy houses in Kansas City. Those ads are from companies that buy houses for cash, usually in any condition. Some of these cash sale deals can be complicated, so here is a guide to give you all the tips and information about what you should know before cashing in your house.  

What Is Selling a House As-Is for Cash?

It’s quite easy to picture an exchange where you get a briefcase full of cash when you think about selling your house for cash. But that’s not what that phrase means. Selling a house as is for cash is when a property is transferred to the buyer in its current condition without repairs or renovations being done by the seller. The buyer accepts the property with its existing damages and issues and pays the total price. These buyers can be independent individuals or investor companies that will transfer money to you. 

What to Expect When Selling Your House As-Is for Cash


Selling a house as is doesn’t mean there will be no buyer house inspections. The buyer has a right to inspect the property, so they know what they are buying. Being secretive about any damage to the house could lead to lawsuits. Therefore, encourage your buyers to take time while inspecting the property they are interested in and answer any questions about the state house honestly and truthfully. 

Sale Termination Clauses

When selling a house as is for cash, sometimes the buyer will include a clause in the purchase agreement stating that the contract may be terminated if the buyer’s inspection reveals damage or issues that weren’t readily visible or disclosed. Always read through the contract to ensure if there is such a clause, it outlines the time within which the buyer can cancel the sale if they discover new damages and the reasons that would prompt a cancellation. 


After a potential buyer does their inspection, they may come back and request a price reduction. This may be fair if their inspection reveals significant repairs that weren’t apparent during the initial walk-through. In such cases, you can negotiate the price and come to an agreement or offer to do a few repairs if they agree to pay the original quoted price.

Steps to Take When Selling Your House As-Is for Cash

To ensure you are not taken advantage of, here are steps to take when selling your house as is for cash. 


Inspections will inform you of the repairs needed and help you price your house fairly. Overpricing can lead to stagnation, where your house may take too long to sell since the buyers don’t think it’s worth the quoted figure. Ensure you provide these reports to the buyer for realistic offers. 

Estimate the Cost of the Repairs

Once the inspection is done, use the report to create a list of safety and health issues and give the estimated costs to potential buyers. If you do the repairs first, include the costs in your price when selling a house as is. 

Set an Appropriate Price 

Pricing is a tricky issue, and it’s pretty easy to underprice your home, which means less profits, or overvalue it by quoting a figure that’s too high than the market rates. If you don’t know how to do market research to get possible estimates for the value of your house, look for an appraiser to help you value your home, depending on its current condition. 

Be Open to Negotiation

You will get potential buyers who make low offers, but this doesn’t mean you should dismiss them or undersell your house. Be ready to negotiate. A lot of buyers will quote lower prices, so they have room to negotiate and meet at some middle ground that’s comfortable for both of you. Moreover, people feel good when they feel they’ve gotten a deal at a lower price than was listed. Therefore, put a price that gives you room to go lower without hurting your profits.

4 Ways You Can Sell Your House As-Is for Cash

How you sell your house as-is for cash will determine how much you can walk away with. Here are possible ideas you can use to get buyers. 

  1. Quick Cash Offer Company. Some real estate investment companies purchase properties for a bargain, do repairs, and resell the house for profit. However, most of these companies offer twenty percent to fifty percent lower than the house’s market value price to maximize their profits when they resell it. You can approach these companies if you need to get rid of your property quickly or want to get paid as soon as possible. 
  2. Home Auction. House auctions allow you to list your house without any expectations or leg work. There will be no negotiations for repair costs and no ceiling for the bids. Auctions are great because your property will have the potential to sell above the market value, and you will get the final say in accepting or rejecting the bid. Like all auctions, you will have to set the lowest price you are willing to take, and the recommended starting price is typically ten or fifteen percent below the market value. 
  3. Hiring Realtor. A realtor takes home a commission of about five to six percent. Realtors offer expertise when selling your house such as advertising, negotiating, and setting the right price. Be sure to discuss your expectations and needs when working with them and agree on the minimum price you will take. 
  4. For Sale by Owner (FSBO). Selling your house as is can save you money and drive up profit by cutting out the commission you would have paid real estate agents. However, remember that you must do the paperwork, advertise the property, and negotiate. 

In conclusion

If if your home still needs repairs or you are short on cash to improve it, selling your house as-is for cash is one of the ways to close the deal more quickly. Once you put up the listing, review the investors making the offer and look for reliable reviews to ensure you don’t miss out on extra money or profits you could have made from the sale. 

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