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Severe Weather Driving Tips

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How many times have you been driving down the road when all of a sudden the sky grows dark and the rain comes pouring down? Wind is buffeting your car and the lightening is so vivid, with such loud thunder, that you jump? Do you know how to remain safe?

tips for driving in severe weather main image

With Summer on the way out, and Fall coming in, temperatures aren’t the only things that change. Often the change in seasons brings a significant change in weather patterns resulting in torrential rains, severe storms and even tornadoes. When your are out in your car and caught in one of these storms, driving condition can quickly become dangerous. Here are some helpful tips on what to do if you happen to encounter a storm while driving.

  1. Torrential Rains – when the rain fall heavily flash flooding can occur in minutes. Make sure you turn your headlights on, and your windshield wipers too. Reduce your speed and do not drive too closely to another vehicle in case of a sudden stop. If you come upon flooded areas, do not attempt to drive through. According to the Weather Channel, just one foot of water can pick up and float most vehicles. If there is not other route, put you car in park, get to higher grounds and wait for the water to decrease. If your vehicle stalls, get out immediately and climb to higher grounds. 
  2. Heavy Lightening – if you encounter heavy lightening while driving, the National Lightening Safety Institute suggests pulling over to the side of the road and shutting off your engine. Refrain from touching your steering wheel, door and window handles and gear shift. 

Get the rest of these severe weather driving tips by clicking here

Image courtesy john_k via Flickr

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