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When to Get Braces: Unlocking the Perfect Timeline for Getting Braces

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Last Updated on May 25, 2023 by Alaina

Everyone dreams of having a perfect smile, and braces can help you achieve that, but the question lies in finding the ideal timeline for getting them. When is the best age to get braces to ensure that you have the best result? We’re here to unlock all your questions about the brace-fitting timeline so you can make an informed decision about when to start the treatment of braces with confidence.

girl wearing braces after learning when to get braces

What Do Orthodontic Treatments Do?

Orthodontic treatments are used to align teeth and jaws to improve the appearance of a person’s smile. They can also help prevent other dental problems like crowding or crooked teeth and promote gum health. Braces work by putting gentle pressure on the teeth over time so that they move into the desired position.

Types of Braces Available 

  • Traditional metal braces use brackets and wires to slowly move teeth into place
  • Ceramic braces blend in with the tooth color, making them less visible
  • Lingual braces are brackets that are bonded to the back of your teeth
  • Invisalign invisible aligners involve wearing a series of custom-made, clear trays

What Is The Purpose Of Orthodontic Treatment? 

Orthodontic treatment aims to improve dental health by correcting misalignment issues and creating an attractive smile. Proper alignment of the teeth and jaw can help improve the person’s self-esteem, make chewing and speaking easier, and reduce the risk of gum disease or tooth decay.

What Can Braces Do 

Braces can correct various issues, including crowding, overbites, underbites, open bites, and crooked or rotated teeth. They can also be used to fix speech problems caused by jaw misalignment. Braces work best when applied to children while their bones are still growing, so it’s important to know when to get braces for your child.

When Do You Need Braces?

When deciding if you or your child needs braces, the answer is that it depends on various factors. It is recommended that children receive an orthodontic evaluation around age seven because, at this age, some permanent teeth have started to grow, and issues can be identified that can benefit from early intervention.

However, it is not just children who may need orthodontic treatment. Adolescents and adults of all ages can also experience issues with their teeth, gums, and jaws that require braces to correct.

Early Orthodontic Treatment for Children

Early orthodontic evaluation is important for the early detection of any existing or potential future problems that may occur with the teeth, bite, and facial development.

Early orthodontic treatment for children reduces long-term orthodontic treatment times and more invasive treatments and prevents long-term complications. It also helps to create a healthy oral environment during the critical stage of jaw and facial development. Common treatments can include but are not limited to, palatal expanders, which help to create more room in the mouth, fixed appliances like braces, and headgear to correct abnormal jaw growth and bite issues. 

Adolescent Orthodontic Treatment 

Adolescent orthodontic treatment is a specialized type of orthodontic care that focuses on the unique needs of young people in their teenage years. The recommended age range for adolescent treatment typically ranges from 11 to 18 and includes braces, retainers, headgear, and other tools used to straighten teeth and improve bite alignment.

Common orthodontic issues that adolescents face include overcrowding, overjet (upper front teeth extend too far out), underbite (lower jaw protrudes outward), open bite (teeth don’t touch when the mouth is closed) and crossbite (upper or lower teeth are not aligned correctly). Adolescent orthodontic treatment is important to correct these issues and prevent further damage. Its benefits include improved confidence, oral health, speech, and jaw alignment, and a beautiful smile.

Adult Orthodontic Treatment

Adults are patients above 18 years old; treatment typically takes 12 to 24 months, depending on the issue’s complexity. Common problems encountered in adult patients include overcrowded or widely spaced teeth, deep overbites and under bites, and open bites that can be treated with traditional metal braces, clear ceramic braces, aligners such as Invisalign, and removable appliances such as clear aligners.

Adult orthodontic treatments improve the patient’s self-esteem and self-confidence and make brushing and flossing easier, reducing the risk of decay and gum disease. It can also help to correct long-term damage caused by bruxism (teeth grinding) and jaw clenching and improve speech problems associated with misaligned teeth and jaws

What are the Factors to Consider When Deciding on Braces?

When deciding if braces are the right choice for your child, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost is the stage of dental growth and development that your child is in. If the jaw bones and teeth have not finished growing and there is still evidence of gaps or overbites, then orthodontic treatment may be necessary to ensure that the teeth and jaw are correctly positioned.

Individual preferences are also important to consider. Certain braces may be more aesthetically pleasing than others, so discussing all available options with your child before deciding is important. It would be best to consider any social or emotional considerations, such as how your child feels about wearing braces and how it might affect their self-esteem. 

Finally, you must consider your financial resources when committing to braces. Orthodontic treatment can be expensive, so looking into all available financing options is important before making a final decision.

The Bottom Line: Age is Not an Issue

In conclusion, the perfect timeline for getting braces depends on an individual’s unique situation. Age is not the only factor to consider when deciding when to get braces; there are many other important considerations, such as the stage of dental growth and development, individual preferences, and social and emotional factors that should be considered. With the right guidance, you can unlock the perfect brace-fitting timeline to achieve your dream smile confidently.

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