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Best Tips for Staying Cool in Your Car During the Hot Summer Days

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Last Updated on June 12, 2023 by Alaina Bullock

While everybody loves the sunnier and warmer days of Summer, nobody likes climbing in a scorching hot car where the temperatures can get dangerously high. And for those without AC, trying to cool the car’s inside down can be quite the challenge. Ever those that have AC can find it hard to keep it cool, especially since it’s a well-known fact that running your AC consumes more energy and fuel; and with the price of gas slowly rising back up, saving fuel – and money – is on everybody’s mind.

Best Tips for Staying Cool in Your Car During the Hot Summer Days main image

You could try to deal with this by unrolling the windows, but this actually creates drag, which in turn increases your fuel usage. So it seems that the most fuel-efficient way to drive your car is with the windows up and the AC off, but this does nothing to cool down the inferno that is your car. So what is the best way to stay cool in your car when the temps rise? Check out the best tips for staying cool in your car below!

1. Time your departure
The best way to beat the heat is to stay off the road during the hottest hours of the day. Of course, it’s not very practical to put off your work or errands until things cool down, but you can at least try to schedule things around known rush hours whenever possible. After all, not much is worse than being stuck in gridlock when you are roasting in your car! 

2. Carry Water Bottles
Get ahead of the game and grab a few bottles of chilled water before you head out. These will help you cool off, and can even be used as a makeshift ice pack if needed! I put a few bottles in my freezer to get them extra cold a short while before heading out, so that they stay cool for the majority of the ride.

3. Protect Against the Scorching Heat When Parked
We can all relate to the misery of getting in a car that has been parked in the scorching sun for hours. The steering wheel is almost too hot to touch, and you can hardly breath due to the heat. There’s no way you’re staying cool once you climb in. Before you climb in, open all the doors for a couple of minutes to let some of the hot air out. Glass windows actually insulate heat inside, so it’s important to get the hot air out. Better yet, allow hot air to escape by leaving the windows slightly open while parked. Just a crack the width of your finger can help vent your car.

This is also where a reflective windshield cover can really come in handy! These shiny barriers reflect the sunlight from entering your car and help keep it from getting to egg frying temperatures while it sits in the parking lot – especially one that offers no shade! It also helps to park with your windshield facing away from the sun. 

For more of the best tips for Staying Cool in Your Car, click HERE. 

Image courtesy Nan Polmero via Flickr

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