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Caring for an Elderly Loved One? Here’s What You Need to Consider

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Last Updated on July 26, 2023 by Alaina

Watching your loved ones age isn’t easy. But this is a process that we all must go through eventually. Regardless, when it comes to your loved one’s health, are you sure that you’re able to provide adequate care when caring for an elderly loved one?

This is just one of the questions that you’ll need to ask yourself if you’re considering providing care for an aging friend or family member. Because the truth is, sometimes we aren’t as prepared as we think we are when caring for an aging adult.

Across the country, assisted living centers are safe havens for senior citizens of all ages. And this is because they have facilities that are able to provide care on a 24/7 basis. But this might not be the ideal place to live for your loved one.

If you’re caring for an elderly loved one, below are a few considerations you need to think about.

caring for an elderly loved one

Is Your Home Safe Enough?

When we grow older, even the nimblest can slip and fall. And in some cases that fall can be enough to dislocate a hip or cause a broken bone. And since we begin to lose our agility as we age, slipping and falling can become an all-too-common occurrence.

If you’re caring for an elderly loved one in your own home, you really need to make sure that your home is safe enough to help prevent falls. Because studies show that after age 65, most senior citizens experience at least one slip and fall each year on average.

The easier and more convenient it is for your elderly loved one to move around in your home, the safer he or she will be. And you can do this by redesigning the layout of your home, or by installing ramps, removing stairs, and adding a railing.

However, sometimes even the most convenient upgrades won’t be enough as your loved one is in a shape where they’re still struggling to get around the house. Many people opt for a senior apartment where everything is adjusted to their needs, and they can find help on a daily basis. These come with a cost, but they can be worth the investment when considering the safety of your loved one.

Are You Qualified to Handle a Medical Emergency?

Senior citizens often have medical emergencies that need to be handled by qualified personnel. And if you’re not trained in at least basic lifesaving procedures, you may want to consider taking classes when caring for an elderly loved one.

Across the country, basic first-aid and CPR classes are made widely available. And these are typically administered through the Red Cross. After taking these classes, you’ll know the basics of life-saving techniques such as how to stop bleeding properly, how to treat shock victims, how to administer CPR properly, and an array of other life-saving skills.

Though you’ll still want to call emergency services immediately if an incident occurs, after a bit of training you may feel more comfortable especially if your loved one is accident-prone, or if they develop any condition which may require immediate medical attention.

Have You Considered Assisted Living?

As mentioned, assisted living facilities and nursing homes are available for elderly citizens who need special care and attention. And even though this might not feel like an ideal situation, assisted living may be the better care choice for your loved one.

You or your loved one might be worried about consistent care or the quality of care at an assisted living facility. But today, many legal protections for your loved one are in place that tends to deter mistreatment, including the presence of advocacy groups that will take up your older adult’s cause.

At the end of the day, if you feel that you’re unable to adequately care for your elderly friend or family member, talking with them about an assisted living facility might be the best foot forward when it comes to the quality of care that they deserve.

Even though many of us would prefer to age in place, considering the benefits of assisted care might be something to talk about if you or your loved one are having difficulties.

We all have to grow old one day. But sometimes we need a special type of care that we won’t be able to provide for ourselves, no matter how much we’d prefer to handle it on our own. So, if you’re caring for an elderly loved one, taking all safety concerns into consideration is the best strategy to begin with.

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