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Common Menstrual Cup Myths and Facts

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Last Updated on April 14, 2023 by Alaina

Despite the many benefits of menstrual cups, several misconceptions and myths surrounding them continue to persist. As a result, many people are yet to fully embrace menstrual cups as viable menstrual products and continue to rely on traditional products like pads and tampons. So today I am busting some of the most common menstrual cup myths and sharing the true facts.

woman holding a menstrual cup and sharing about menstrual cup myths and facts

What Is a Menstrual Cup?

A menstrual cup is a menstrual product designed for women as a reusable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional disposable feminine products. It is a small, flexible cup-shaped device made of medical-grade silicone or rubber that is inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual fluid.

Unlike tampons, menstrual cups can hold more fluid, making them a popular choice for women with heavier flows. They are also safe to use during exercise, swimming, and other physical activities. In addition, menstrual cups are reusable and can last several years with proper care and maintenance which makes them a more cost-effective and sustainable choice in the long run.

Myth: Menstrual Cups are Uncomfortable

One of the most common and persistent menstrual cup myths is that they are uncomfortable or painful to use. However, this is not necessarily true. While it may take some getting used to, many people find menstrual cups to be just as comfortable, if not more so, than other menstrual products.

Furthermore, menstrual cups are made of flexible, medical-grade silicone or latex, which allows them to adapt to the shape of the vaginal canal. This means they are unlikely to cause discomfort.

Additionally, using a properly fitting and inserted menstrual cup should not cause any pain or discomfort. It’s important to remember that every person’s body is different, and what works for one may not work for another.

Myth: Menstrual Cups Interfere with Urine or Stool

This is another of the most common menstrual cup myths that are not true. Menstrual cups are designed to be worn low in the vaginal canal, below the cervix. They are not large enough or positioned in a way that would interfere with urine or stool.

Myth: They Affect Vaginal Health

The myth that menstrual cups interfere with vaginal health is not true. On the contrary, menstrual cups are a safe and effective menstrual product that can promote vaginal health.

Some people believe menstrual cups can cause infections or irritation because they are inserted into the vagina. However, research has shown that menstrual cups do not interfere with the natural pH balance of the vagina or cause infections when used correctly and properly cleaned.

Myth: They Might Get Lost Inside the Body

Next on our list of menstrual cup myths is the false idea that they may get lost once inserted into the body. Menstrual cups have a stem or a loop to remove the cup after use. If the stem or loop is trimmed too short or accidentally breaks, it may be challenging to remove the cup. However, the cup cannot get lost inside the body even in such instances. The cup may move up or down within the vaginal canal, but it will not pass through the cervix into the uterus or any other body part.

Myth: One Size Fits All

The myth that “one size fits all” is another common misconception regarding menstrual cups. Menstrual cups are available in various sizes, and what fits you might not fit another. If you are thinking about using a menstrual cup for the first time, try the Moxie menstrual cup.

The effectiveness of a menstrual cup depends on various factors, including the size and shape of the cup, the firmness of the cup, the placement of the cup in the vagina, and the individual’s anatomy. For example, a cup that is too small may not provide enough coverage, leading to leaks and discomfort. At the same time, a cup that is too large may not fit properly, causing discomfort or difficulty in inserting and removing it.

Myth: Using a Menstrual Cup Takes Away Your Virginity

Last on our list of menstrual cup myths is the belief that using one will taker away your virginity. Virginity is a social and cultural construct often associated with someone who has never indulged in sexual activities. Using a menstrual cup does not involve sexual activity or penetration; therefore, it does not affect a person’s virginity status.

While menstrual cups are designed to collect menstrual blood and are inserted into the vagina, they do not break the hymen or cause any physical changes to the vagina that would impact a person’s virginity status.

Final Thoughts on Menstrual Cup Myths and Facts

Menstrual cups are safe, comfortable, and easy to use with a little practice and patience. They come in various sizes and styles to accommodate different body types and menstrual flows. Proper care and cleaning can make them hygienic and effective menstrual products for people of all ages. By addressing these myths and promoting accurate information about menstrual cups, we can help more people make informed choices about their menstrual health and reduce the stigma and barriers that prevent them from accessing and using these innovative products.

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