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Connected Home: Cool Gadgets That Make Your Home Easier To Manage

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Last Updated on January 21, 2021 by Alaina

Since Wifi arrived in our world our homes have become even easier to run, keep tidy, and safeguard. There are loads of different products on the market for a connected home. Some are better than others. Let’s take a look at some of the greatest uses of technology in our homes today!

connected homeImage via Pexels

Alexa Echo

The new Echo Alexa is here! Think of this highly personable gadget as your new personal assistant.  Using wifi enabled plugs you can ask Alexa to do anything from switching off your lights to restocking the fridge. You can even grumble to her about your kids forgetting to turn the washing machine on.  She’s a step beyond Siri who tends to get confused over simple phrases.

Amazon has really enhanced their voice recognition hardware meaning fewer mistakes and less work for you.  We’ve heard you can even link her up to your automatic vacuum hoover! Bliss – robot takeover!

Alexa isn’t as complex as having your own CBus Home Automation system though. This gives you total control of your whole house making yours a truly smart home!

Home Security

Wireless and cheaper technology has made home security more accessible than ever.  With cameras and alarms set to trigger alerts on your phone and the capability of tapping into your security system and watching live from your tablet, you can watch your kids or keep an eye on your suspicious acting cleaner, although if you have Alexa, you probably won’t need a cleaner anymore.

Samsung Hub – Smart Fridge

Are you too busy to open your own fridge? Well, now you don’t have to. Samsung has released the Family Hub Refrigerator. Equipped with cameras inside so you don’t even have to open the door to see what snacking potential you have.  The Hub makes a note of everything in the fridge and has a stock replenishing system so instead of sitting down to order your groceries, your fridge does it for you!

Our homes are getting smarter and more efficient, saving you energy and giving you peace of mind that everything is safe when you leave the house. With a connected home, now you don’t need to double-check to see if you have left the kettle on. With a smart home, you can turn it off from your iPhone!

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