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Tidy Home = Tidy Mind: Declutter Your Way To Happiness Today!

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Last Updated on November 2, 2017 by Alaina

Is your home stressing you out? Have you been meaning to get around to clearing the spare room or tidying the garage for months? Time flies, and it’s very easy to fall behind when it comes to sorting the house out, and ensuring that it’s free from clutter. Before you know it, days turn into weeks, and a small pile of items can quickly become a large mound. If you’ve got snugs stuffed with old furniture, attics filled with boxes of things you don’t want, or garages piled high with old clothes or pairs or bikes and toys the kids have outgrown, now is the time to declutter. Did you know that a good spring clean won’t just make your home look bigger and brighter? Science suggests it will also make you feel a lot better.

Tidy Home Tidy Mind Declutter Your Way To Happiness Today cluttered roomImage via flickr

Tackling clutter

The first thing to do before you get your rubber gloves and vacuum cleaner out is tackle the clutter that has accumulated in your home. If you’ve got stuff lying around everywhere, it’s really hard to keep on top of tidying, and it can also stress you out and make it more difficult to be organized. If you’re wasting time looking for things every day, now is the time to act! Tackle each room one by one, and make piles of things you want to keep and items you want to throw away. Focus on the task in hand, put some music on, and knuckle down. If you’re in the zone, and you’re not distracted, you’ll get through it much faster.

Once you’ve got a pile of things you want to keep, find a home for them. Use storage boxes, crates, and shelving units to keep your things tidy. If you lack storage, take a trip to the homeware store and invest in some extra boxes, or have a look online at innovative DIY solutions. If you’ve got an alcove, for example, you could fit some sunken shelves.

Tidy Home Tidy Mind Declutter Your Way To Happiness Today cluttered garageImage via pixabay

Getting rid of rubbish

Once you’ve decluttered your home, the next job is to get rid of all those items you don’t want to keep. There are various options open to you at this stage. You could look into hiring a local junk removal firm, you could visit a thrift shop and make some donations, or you could take a trip to the local waste disposal site. If you’ve got pieces of clothing, DVDs, books, old electrical items or furniture that could be salvaged, you could also consider hosting a garage sale or selling your wares online.

Tidy Home Tidy Mind Declutter Your Way To Happiness Today yard saleImage via flickr

Cleaning and tidying

You’ve done it! The floors are clear, the spare room is ready to receive guests again, and you can see daylight in the study. Now, it’s time to give your home a good clean and enjoy that feeling of knowing you’ve done a good job. Once you’ve tidied, polished, and mopped, you can relax and enjoy your new sparkling home. You’ll be able to find what you want without searching for hours, you can move around without tripping over toys or shoes, and you can feel relaxed and content in your own home again.

Tidy Home Tidy Mind Declutter Your Way To Happiness TodayImage via pixabay

If your home is full of clutter, this is bound to stress you out. When you next have an afternoon or a weekend free, make it your mission to declutter, tidy up, get rid of junk and start enjoying your home again.

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