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Establishing a School Night Bedtime Routine: Back to School with Restonic

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Last Updated on January 21, 2022 by Alaina Bullock

Back to School, Back to Sleep with Restonic

Those long, lazy summer days filled with family, sun and fun are coming to an end. While those wonderful days are packed with relaxation and fun, they can also take away your family’s usual sleep routine. Bedtimes are later, morning sleep-ins are the norm, and many rules are off the table. So it’s no surprise that when kids head back to school sleep has been missed, and children struggle to get back into their school night bedtime routine.

This content was sponsored by Restonic, but all thoughts and opinions are my own

When it's back to school time, many kids struggle to get back into a bedtime routine. These tips and a free printable bedtime routine checklist can help!

Why A School Night Routine and A Good Night’s Sleep Are Important

For our family, a regular school night routine is essential. Without a consistent night time routine, children find it difficult to get enough sleep. And getting enough sleep is crucial for a child’s growth and development as well as for learning. Too little sleep has been linked to behavior problems, mood swings, and even poor academic performance. Kids who are sleep deprived are also more likely to have trouble getting along with others, find it difficult to concentrate, and lack motivation.

“A regular bedtime strengthens circadian rhythms and helps ensure adequate time for sleep. Kids will learn what to expect and bedtime will become a non-negotiable part of the day. Following a consistent routine aids in the development of healthy sleep habits that result in quality sleep.”, Terry Cralle, RN, MS, Certified Clinical Sleep Educator.

Plus, a regular bedtime routine that leads to a good night’s sleep will not only help your child in school, it will also lead to fewer of those “I don’t want to get up and go to school!” fights.

Easing into A School Night Routine

Towards the end of the summer, my husband and I make a it point to begin easing our son back into his school night routine. Waiting until the night before, or even the week before school begins just isn’t enough time for children to adjust. Giving them a few weeks, on the other hand, helps them learn what to expect, and also helps reset and strengthen circadian rhythms.

You first need to figure out what your children’s sleep schedule should be, and decide on an appropriate bedtime. You can then create a consistent bedtime routine around that. To ease them into their new routine, begin by putting them to bed 10 to 15 minutes earlier each night, and waking them up 10 to 15 minutes earlier each morning. Continue to adjust their schedule gradually until you have achieved your desired bedtime.

Creating A Consistent, Simple Bedtime Routine

When it comes to an actual bedtime routine, consistency is definitely key. You want to get your kids in the habit of following their specific routine each and every night. This way they know exactly what to expect and when. And once you have the routine established, maintain it. Even on weekends, you shouldn’t stray more than an hour or so from bedtime.

When developing the routine, keep in mind our bodies need time to shift into sleep mode. Spend that last hour before bed doing calming activities such as taking a bath and reading. Avoid things such as watching TV, surfing the web, video games, and other stimulating activities. If you prefer to have your children pick out their clothes and pack their backpacks at night, do this well before you begin the bedtime routine.

You should also keep the bedtime routine short and simple. A longer routine with a bunch of things to do gives your child more opportunities to get distracted, misbehave and resist going to bed. Additionally, the less activity and stress, the more relaxed your children will be, making falling asleep simpler.

Free Printable Simple Bedtime Routine Checklist

Make back to school bedtime routines easier with this free printable, reusable Bedtime Routine Checklist! Simply print it, put it in a dollar store frame, and use a dry erase marker to check off each activity as it’s completed. You can then re-use it the next night and then next….

Good Sleep is For Adults and Children Alike

Getting good sleep isn’t just important for children. Regular good sleep is crucial to how we adults function during the day at home and at work.

“Sufficient sleep should be a priority for the entire family. A well-rested parent is in a better mood, more efficient, more organized, more productive, has better relationships – not to mention healthier. It is important that parents set the tone; power down at least an hour before bedtime”, Terry Cralle, RN, MS, Certified Clinical Sleep Educator from the Better Sleep Council.

Restonic knows how important getting great sleep is, which is why they have been making the highest quality, award-winning sleep products since 1938.

Want to find out more about Restonic and read a little about their rich history supporting dreams? Visit and find out more about their line of sleep products as well as find a retailer near you where you can try out their products first hand.

How could getting better sleep make Back to School and everyday life better for you?

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Wednesday 30th of August 2017

Check your kids backpacks the night before to make sure they have everything they'll need in there and take out all the stuff they don't need.


Wednesday 30th of August 2017

start early on waking them week or two before school

Tamra H

Wednesday 30th of August 2017

Pack lunches the night before so you stay in bed a little longer! ?

Michelle Washburn

Wednesday 30th of August 2017

Get organized in a prep for the school year, make a morning and evening schedule and have you and the family stick to it

Mia F

Saturday 26th of August 2017

No naps too close to bedtime.

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