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Ford Warriors in Pink Review: Help Fight Breast Cancer

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Last Updated on November 2, 2017 by Alaina


According to the American Cancer Society, it is estimated that 1 in 8 women in the United States alone will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.  It is the leading cause of death in women ages 40 to 50, and only second only to lung cancer in cancer deaths among women in the US. For these reasons, and many more, October has been designated Breast Cancer Awareness month, because greater awareness can lead to earlier diagnosis, which in turn, could save lives. 

The Ford Motor Company has been actively involved in the fight against breast cancer since the early 1990’s, and in 2006 they introduced the Warriors In Pink and the Ford Warriors in Pink Warrior Wear line. After all, what better way to show your support and help spread awareness than through the clothes on your back!

The Ford Warriors in Pink Mission

Ford Motor Company has been active in the fight against breast cancer since 1993. In 2006 Ford intensified its efforts by introducing Warriors in Pink and the Ford Warriors in Pink line of wear and gear. 100% of the net proceeds from all wear and gear sales is dedicated to the cause with donations going to charities that offer a wide-range of support.

Ford Warriors in Pink also uses an unusually broad outreach from sponsorship of Komen Race for the Cure™ to inclusion in popular TV shows and magazines to endorsements by celebrities.The goal is to keep the topic of breast cancer part of everyday conversation and encourage women and men to engage in self-exams. Greater awareness can lead to earlier diagnosis, which in turn, could save lives. Ford is committed to the cause and has dedicated more than $120 million to the cause.

We hope that you will join us – whether you are a survivor, co-survivor or simply someone who cares. Wear the gear, show your support and spread the word. Welcome Warriors!

Warrior Wear

The Warrior Wear line offers a large variety of stylish items to choose from for women, men and children. These products are of excellent quality and most importantly, 100% off the proceeds goes directly towards the fight against Breast Cancer. To date Ford Warriors in Pink has generated $4,756,795 in donations to the breast cancer cause from Warrior wear and gear sold since 2006, and within 18 years, Ford has dedicated more than $115 million to the fight against breast cancer – let’s help it be more!

Pretty in Pink

I received the comfortable Sister Hoodie and the beautiful 2009 Warrior Woven Scarf. Both are beautiful and well-made, and are a wonderful way to show your support and spread awareness.


The Sister Hoodie is made of 100% cotton with a rib waistline and cuffs that are 95% cotton and 5% spandex. It is a very lightweight hoodie, that is perfect for keeping you warm in the early Autumn chill. It has a handy double zipper, two deep, warm pockets perfectly positioned in the front, and a drawstring hood that you can pull snug around your head. On the front right is The Warriors Symbol of Courage which represents the powerful and the courageous who fight against breast cancer.



On the back is a large design made up of several of the Symbols of Courage including the Hearts, the Feathers, the Doves and the Chevrons all of which signifying the message of hope, strength and unity in the commitment to the fight against breast cancer.



It is literally one of the most comfortable hoodies I have ever worn. It retails for $36 on the site, with 100% of the proceeds going to fight the fight against cancer.


The 2009 Warrior Woven Scarf is woven thread by thread using multi-colored, custom-dyed thread. The colors are all soft pastels including pink, tan, blue and cream, making it the perfect complement to a variety of outfits, in any season.



It measures approximately 22″ x 68″ and features almost all of the Symbols of Courage including the Hearts, the Spirals, the Crowned Warriors, Angel Wings and many more. It is extremely soft, elegant and beautiful. It retails for $38 with all proceeds going to fight the fight against cancer.


Be sure to visit the Ford Warriors in Pink website today to learn about all the ways you can contribute towards helping to find a cure for Breast Cancer! The site is full of amazing and valuable resources in addition to high-quality apparel for women, men, and children. They even have items such as handbags, umbrella, car decals and more. 

Make sure to follow them on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and help further spread awareness about the fight against Breast Cancer. 



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Wednesday 9th of October 2013

Love the scarf! Plus, you also gotta love it when a big world wide known company helps out. My late grandmother has breast cancer (got detected at an early stage, luckily), so this kind of foundations are close to my heart.

Pamela R

Tuesday 8th of October 2013

I love the scarf-- We lost my great Grandmother 15 years ago and my Aunt is a three year survivor so this cause is VERY close to my heart

Lexie Lane

Tuesday 8th of October 2013

It's great that such good companies can support these causes. I love this symbol! I would definitely want a sweater like this!

Elisebet F

Tuesday 8th of October 2013

Both the scarf and hoodie are lovely! The hoodie looks super comfy too. It's awesome that a major company is supporting an important cause like this.


Monday 7th of October 2013

I love hoodies!! Great time of year to be releasing them :) I definitely think that there is a lot of women who are almost more scared to know (get mammograms) than not and just hope for the best. Knowledge is power ladies! We need to do regular checks! It could save your life (and your boobies ;))

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