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Last Updated on October 12, 2023 by Alaina
If you’re not motivated to get started on cleaning your home — check out this list of 8 ways to get motivated to Spring clean.
While I love the thought of a sparkling clean house, when it comes to cleaning, motivation is a key factor. One that I often lack.
Without motivation, it can be next to impossible for me to get started, much less finish.

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Scott’s Liquid Gold. Regardless, all opinions are my own.
And those times when I do find the motivation, it’ll often fizzle out quickly and I wind up staring at the same uncompleted projects – again.
You too? Well you’re not alone! And I’ve found some ways to get motivated and stay motivated!
Of course, you can always hire someone to help, but if you want to do it yourself, then check out my tips below that will help you get motivated to Spring Clean so you can successfully tackle cleaning your home.
We dream of having a clean house — but who dreams of actually doing the cleaning?
Marcus Buckingham

Keepin’ It Real – Be Realistic
Rome wasn’t built in a day, so why does your home have to be cleaned in one day? If you realize that spring cleaning your home is something that can be completed in stages, then it will make the job a lot less daunting.
It will also go a long way in helping you get motivated to Spring clean.
Instead of planning on doing it all in one day, give yourself a few days to complete your entire home, and then designate a specific amount of time to spend cleaning each day. Once you’ve decided, stick to it. I usually do 2 to 3 hours per day which allows me to finish my entire house in 2 to 3 days.
When you are ready to start, remove all distractions – turn off your cell phone, shut down your computer – and make the most of your time.
Once that time is over, you’re done. Stop for the day and start again the next day. In 2 to 3 days, your home will be sparkling clean.
Just don’t put off finishing for so long that you lose interest or talk yourself out of it.

Make a Plan to Help Get Motivated to Spring Clean
Having a cleaning plan is another way to get motivated to Spring clean. It helps you save time and narrows down your focus so you don’t become distracted and get off task. It also helps keep you from becoming overly focused on the little things.
I like to make a Spring Cleaning Checklist that breaks down the tasks room by room, and then check them off as I go.
And as a bonus, as I see the transformation from having cleaned one room, I’m even more motivated to keep going so I can achieve that same result throughout the rest of my home!

Buy Yourself Some New Cleaning Supplies
Starting your cleaning with a bunch of new cleaning supplies is another great way to get motivated to Spring clean. Check your cleaning supplies and make a list of all the items you need. Then head to the store and get them.
While there, try some new-to-you products like Scott’s Liquid Gold ONE CLEAN HOME® which uses naturally occurring, non-toxic citric acid to get things clean without damaging them or using harmful toxins.
I love it because it can be used on a variety of hard surfaces including finished wood, wood laminates, stainless steel, tile, plastic, metal, stone, porcelain, and even vinyl. Plus, it works great!
I’ll then follow up with Scott’s Liquid Gold® Wood Care on my wood furniture and trim to nourish and moisturize while bringing out their natural texture, grain, and beauty.
Keep Your Cleaning Supplies Nearby
Once you get motivated to spring clean, staying motivated is a whole other story. Luckily I have some tips for this, too!
One way to stay motivated is to avoid distractions.
I do this by using a small basket to carry my cleaning supplies with me from room to room. This way I don’t have to stop what I’m doing to run to the kitchen (past all those things that can easily distract me) and grab something else.
I include things such as a homemade all-purpose cleaner, a box of baking soda (for those spring cleaning hacks), some window cleaner, Scott’s Liquid Gold products, a scrubby-brush, a handful of rags, a Magic Eraser, and an old toothbrush.

Use Time-Saving Practices
Another way to stay motivated is to work in ways that save time. For example, most cleaning solutions will instruct you to spray, then let it sit for a few minutes so the cleaner has time to do what it does.
Instead of standing there waiting, I’ll first spray the cleaner, then I’ll get started in another area of the room until it’s time to go back and wipe the item I sprayed down.
Set a Timer for Focus
Use a timer to keep yourself focused and stay motivated. Each time I start a new room, I’ll set the timer for about 15 minutes. If I find that task is taking longer than 15 minutes, I will reset the timer one time, then move on to the next task.
Doing this helps ensure that I stay focused on the task at hand, and prevents me from becoming obsessed with one small area when the whole room needs to be cleaned.

Listen To Music as Another Way to get Motivated To Spring Clean
Music is a great motivator! It helps you get motivated to spring clean and stay that way. Before getting started on your Spring Cleaning Checklist, set up some tunes that you can jam out to while you clean.
Opt for upbeat music that gets you hyped up. This helps you get and stay energized so you can tackle your spring cleaning.
Reward Yourself
Finally, my last, but not least important tip to help you get motivated to spring clean and stay that way…reward yourself! Promising yourself a reward once the job is completed can be very effective.
Before starting, I’ll make a deal with myself where if I complete those 2 – 3 hours of cleaning, I will reward myself that evening with a relaxing bubble bath or a movie I’ve been wanting to stream or that thing I’ve been wanting to buy for ages. Positive reinforcement, y’all. It works. 😉

Your Turn to Get Motivated to Spring Clean
It can be hard to find spring cleaning motivation. But if you follow the tips in this post on how to get motivated to spring clean, it will come much more easily to you!
If you are really struggling to find the motivation, think about this inspiring quote for a minute:
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.
amelia earhart
What are some of the things that you do to get you motivated to spring clean?