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Moving During Winter – 10 Tips to Help You Survive

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Though moving to a new home is an exciting experience for your whole family, you might not look forward to planning that move in the winter. All it takes is one icy patch for you to fall down and significantly injure yourself. With this simple list of tips for moving during winter, you can protect yourself during your move and make that move a little easier.

Moving During Winter - 10 Tips to Help You Survive

Keep an Eye on the Weather

Keeping an eye on the weather forecast is one of the best things you can do when moving during the winter. This lets you know if there is snow and ice coming and helps you decide how to prepare for moving day.

Put Your Pets Away

There is nothing worse than seeing your dog or cat run outside in the snow and disappear during a move. To keep them safe, you can either board them for the day or use kennels to keep them secure inside your home.

Use the Right Packing Materials

Cold temperatures, ice and snow can wreak havoc on all your precious belongings. When getting your home ready, make sure that you use heavy blankets and other materials to protect those items.

Moving During Winter - 10 Tips to Help You Survive packing

Create a Backup Plan

If severe weather hits your area, you’ll feel better about your move when you have a backup plan in place. This might include staying a night or two at a hotel until the utilities come on and using a short-term storage facility for your belongings.

Get a Sitter

Moving with children is a challenge in itself. If you have young kids, consider getting a babysitter to help keep them occupied as you move boxes and furniture out to the truck. You could also drop them off at daycare for the day. Older children can actually be a big help when moving by helping pack, carrying light boxes, and packing the car.

Clear a Path

The smallest patch of ice can do some serious damage to both you and your belongings. Before your move, you should make sure that you clear a path from the street or driveway to your home and salt any surrounding areas.

Keep Your Floors Clean

As you keep moving back and forth between your home and the outside, you can transfer ice and salt onto the floors and do some serious damage. The best way to prevent dirt and damage is with plastic sheets that you put down on the floor.

Handle Your Utilities

You should take care of your utilities before you move and make sure that your new home has heat, power and running water. This ensures that you have everything you need when you arrive.

Dress Appropriately

No matter what you do outside in winter, you should wear gloves and a hat. When moving during winter, you may find it helpful to wear multiple layers and sunglasses too.

Work with Movers

If you want to make your winter move go as smoothly as possible, consider hiring a moving company to help. Your movers can handle harsh weather conditions and take care of moving everything from one home to the next. Many people who move during winter months find that hiring a professional full service movers gives them peace of mind.

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