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5 Tips For A Fun Island Vacation Your Family Won’t Ever Forget!

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Last Updated on June 5, 2022 by Alaina Bullock

Summer’s just around the corner, and with summer comes peak vacation season. One of the most tropical destinations you’ll be able to find without renewing your passport is none other than the U.S.’s own Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii has several islands, one of which is sure to meet your family’s needs for a fun, sunny destination for your vacation. Here are a few tips to get the most out of your summer island vacation if you’re planning on visiting Hawaii with your family.

island vacation destination like this Hawaiian beach

Pick Your Island Vacation Destination

While Hawaii might be a single state, there are actually multiple islands that make up all of Hawaii. Each island has something different to offer, so picking the right island is key to having the best trip possible. Known as “The Gathering Place,” the island of O’ahu is the third largest and most populated of the Hawaiian Islands. When most people visit Hawaii, this is the island they look to first, but don’t forget about your other options. Many of the smaller islands also offer amazing sites and fun-filled experiences for an island vacation you won’t soon forget!

Prepare For Getting There

Even if Hawaii is part of the United States, the travel can feel like it’s much, much farther. On average, every day more than eight million people fly, and you can count on spending a lot of time in the air when you’re heading to your island vacation. Make sure all members of your family are ready to spend that much time on the plane – especially your children. And, if you are flying with small children, make sure you have plenty to keep them occupied!

Get Off The Beaten Path

Once you’ve arrived for your island vacation, don’t rely exclusively on all the most popular spots for your sightseeing and adventuring. Think outside the box and live like a local if you get the chance; you’ll be surprised what hidden gems you can find off the beaten path. Trying new things helps to support local businesses, while also giving you a more unique and meaningful vacation experience.

Give Yourself Time to Explore

Vacations never feel like they last long enough, and nowhere is that truer than on the Hawaiian Islands. It can feel like there is tons to do once you’ve arrived, so when you’re booking your stay in a hotel or condo, give yourself all the time you’ll need to explore the islands thoroughly and enjoy your vacation time. Don’t rush yourself – take your time and take in the experience.

Leave The Islands Behind

When it’s time to head back home, it can be tempting to take a souvenir with you, like a starfish or shell or piece of coral from the beach. Avoid doing this and try to keep your kids from doing this as well. This is especially true for things like coral; in order to keep coral alive, you’d need to set up an entire lighting system for an aquarium tank. Experts recommend running around a 10–12-hour total light schedule for coral. And that’s the easy part of caring for coral! Instead, purchase a souvenir from a local shop, or take pictures of wildlife without disturbing it.

Final Thoughts on Taking an Island Vacation

Hawaii can be a great choice for your summer island vacation destination, and these tips will help you get the most out of your time on the islands. You and your family are sure to have a great summer in this sunny island state.

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