Mia Mariu
Mia Mariu, where the combination of nature and technology give you the highest quality health and beauty products to bring your natural beauty to the surface. Their collection of products …
Mia Mariu, where the combination of nature and technology give you the highest quality health and beauty products to bring your natural beauty to the surface. Their collection of products …
Growing up I acquired the loving nickname, ‘Mop Head’ due to the fact that I had been blessed/cursed with a cap of crazy curls. I can remember as a child …
I know I have mentioned before that I have sensitive skin and have always had difficulties finding products that will not cause blemishes. Whether it is a cleanser, a moisturizer …
In 2003, after the birth of her baby, master stylist Inga Tritt went on a mission trying to find all-natural hair products for children that were safe to use and …
Beauty in Balance: Tatcha A Geisha’s beauty is ageless. Pale, porcelain, flawless skin, even when her make up is removed. Some of the world’s greatest beauty secrets began with the …
PACIFICA Natural Perfume and Fragrances I am a huge fan of pampering myself with bubble baths, soaps, lotions, candles and any other kind of scented “spoil me rotten” products, so …
Natural beauty – Sibu Beauty The Sea Buckthorn Berry has been used for more than twenty eight centuries for issues pertaining to the aging process in health and beauty. This …
Innovative Cutting Tools: Slanted Tweezers I received for the purpose of review this great pair of stainless steel tweezers that are actually easy to hold and ergonomically designed! Made by …
Elle Luxeffects Nail Polish:Stroke of Brilliance I received another awesome perk from Klout the other day! Remember Klout? If you don’t know what it is, it’s a site that measures …
Sexy Hair Curling Creme: It Really Works on Naturally Curly Hair! I purchased this product myself and wanted to share it with you! I am one of those lucky/unlucky (take your …